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"Veterans are the true heroes we can look to in our society. They give their lives for their country and sacrifice more than most could truly comprehend. Yet in NJ they are last in the country when it comes to unemployment and homelessness. In addition, NJ ranks at the bottom when it comes to Veterans healthcare, I can personally attest to this!" - Matt Riccardi


The Problem: All of us are indebted to our veterans, especially our disabled veterans. Whether their wounds are visible or invisible, we owe it to them to give them every opportunity to make their lives whole and productive. Both federal and state government agencies have let down our veterans and have abandoned and forgotten them. Instead of honoring their sacrifices, government officials relegate them to poor healthcare, homelessness, drug abuse, and suicide.



The Solution: It starts with real leadership that is committed to finding the problems and getting real RESULTS for our veterans. Matt will give personal attention to the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs to ensure that no veteran receives substandard or negligent care. Based upon his own experiences, he will look for government and non-government solutions to find results.

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