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"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

14th Amendment - Constitution of the United States

Matt Riccardi is the ONLY candidate that has a pro-life platform.

"I proudly and strongly support the protection of the lives of all New Jersey citizens. Of all the protections that the Constitution offers, the protection of life is the most important."


"I acknowledge that life (and citizenship) begins at conception. At that moment, that PERSON deserves the protection of the state and cannot be deprived of their life without the due process of law. It is the paramount duty of the Governor to protect the citizens of New Jersey from any person or organization that works to deprive them of their lives without due process."


"I hereby promise the citizens of New Jersey that my committment to pro-life issues will include:


1. I will work within the boundaries of the law and my authority to end or curtail all activities that deprive the life of innocent babies that are still in the womb.


2. I will work within the boundaries of the law and my authority to end all public funding of abortion clinics and procedures.


3. I will make my #1 Law Enforcement platform to focus state resources on reducing homicides and violent crimes to make New Jersey that safest state in the Union.


4. I will work within the boundaries of the law and my authority to protect the lives our elderly citizens from abuses and organizations that prematurely end their lives through neglect and abuse."


    - Matt Riccardi, Constitution Party Candidate for Governor

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