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Jobs 4 NJ

"The formula for building a successful economy has always resided in the people! I believe that New Jersey workers are the best in this nation. We work the hardest and have a variety of career sources very vast and different from most other states. All that being said, I believe our leaders have failed". - Matt Riccardi


The Problem: Through years and years of over-spending, over-taxing, failed pension promises and catering to the unscrupulous and the unethical , NJ has become the most indebted state in the nation whose taxation has spiraled out of control and whose business climate is the worst nationwide. We have more businesses and residents leaving than any other state in the nation. So what can we do?


The Solution: Capitalism. True Capitalism. Not this phony version of Socialism that they are trying to pull off as Capitalism. 


What is true Capitalism? It is making it better for every small business to be successful (99.7% of all jobs come from small businesses). It is getting government out of the business of strangling every small business owner with fees, taxes, burdensome regulations, and intrusion. It is introducing competition to the marketplace by allowing small businesses and manufacturers to grow. It is replacing draconian government legislation with Liberty for a better business climate that lifts up the lower class, relieves the middle class and embraces the upper class as three VITAL components of our economy. 


This is how you bring back and create great job opportunities and wealth 4 New Jersey!

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