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"New Jersey's Drug Epidemic has reached horrific levels. While overdoses from Heroin may not be as bad as once before, there is another problem in this state with medicinal opiates that have and continue to crush the lives of people of all ages statewide. Since 2010 we have had an overdose rate growth of over 220%. In addition, there has been an enormous fentanyl spike claiming the lives of NJ residents in large numbers. Our so-called War on Drugs is having too many unintended civilian casualties' - Matt Riccardi


The Problem: From illegal street drugs to prescription drug abuse, New Jersey is suffering from an epidemic that destroys families, ends lives, and creates unsafe communities. From crime lords to irresponsible physicians, there are those that are profiting from the pain and suffering of others. We want to find solutions but are constantly fighting over treatment vs. enforcement programs.


The Solution: It should not be a treatment vs. enforcement policy. We need both and we need to make sure that both are working effectively. The War on Drugs is more of a war on our citizens and having little impact on drugs. The Riccardi Method means that Matt will inspect every department under his control, and if not performing effectively and efficiently, he will look at non-government solutions. In this regard, there are several non-profit programs that have shown to be very effective. We need to find RESULTS not government programs. For our opiate epidemic, we need to look to all the organizations involved (advocacy groups, hospitals, healthcare providers, insurance companies, etc.), not just government to find the best solutions

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