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Tax Relief 4 NJ

The Problem: New Jersey is the worst state in when in comes to taxes and the services that you get for them. Government officials take in a lot of money, but what do you get for it? While there is a problem with the high cost of government in New Jersey, the bigger issue is that most of the hard-working people of New Jersey don't see any benefits from those taxes.




The Solution: Matt will put every government department and program under the microscope. Is this department effective? Is this program efficient? Is this the best value for our tax dollars or is there a less expensive way to get the same job done?


Matt will also provide a plan for New Jersey to reasonably and responsibly reduce Property Taxes and other burdensome taxes that are making New Jersey a "hostile working environment" for the average worker and small business owner.


Most importantly, Matt is looking for RESULTS, not just government programs. Whoever can provide the most effective services, in the most efficient manner, and at the best price is where he will allocate resources to.


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